Last ZOOM lesson? Due to the pandemic, teachers in Portugal had to start remote teaching with different virtual platforms.

In my school, we started with ZOOM lessons.

First, it was hard. However, right now, I can say I have become a die-hard enthusiast!

Of course it’s not the same as being with your students inside four walls, but there are plenty of activities you can carry out during ESL remote teaching.

“In order to create an engaging learning experience, the role of instructor is optional, but the role of learner is essential.” Bernard Bull

Last ESL ZOOM Lesson

Let’s focus on the last lesson, now that we are in the final stretch of the Portuguese school year.

Here you will find different ways to master your last ESL ZOOM lesson, or any other last remote English lesson.

These activities work well with the screen sharing and are great for all ages too.

You can adapt them to any level or any particular language focus. 

All the simple games can also be played throughout the year but are specially fun on the last lesson!

Simple Games

If it is a picture-oriented activity, you can easily pull from your bank of pictures and adjust your instructions as well.

Remote teaching is very challenging, but there are plenty of activities you can carry out during these lessons.

“Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing.”  Donna J. Abernathy

12 Ways To Master Your Zoom Lesson

  1. Virtual Backgrounds – ask them a few days earlier and let students show their background. The comments will be fun!
  2. If I were there, I would… – show students amazing photographs and ask them this question (as it’s the end of the year, choose Summer destinations).

Free ZOOM activity HERE.

Grab your PDF freebie HERE.

3. What I Loved – give the template a few days earlier and ask students to fill in; then during the last lesson, give them time to share with their classmates.

Free PDF example of this activity HERE
Ask students about the school year! Free template HERE!
Adapt THIS template to your classes! Students are all different.

Simple Games And Activities!

4.  Share-a-Picture – give the instructions a few days earlier and ask students to describe their photos during the lesson and say why they are important.

5. Stop Race – say the alphabet for yourself and another student says “STOP!”; give students the letter (A, B, C…or H) and ask them to write a PERSON, PLACE, or THING that starts with that letter. The first student to complete the three rows, says “STOP”. The goal is to not be the last one.

Download the PDF right HERE!
Build your own game adapted to your class with THIS.

6. Mystery Bag – place a “mystery item” in a bag and give some clues so that students take turns to guess the mystery item.

7. Scavenger Hunt – GREAT FUN! The teacher announces a household item that the students need to find in a specific goal limit time (something red, something soft, something round, something which reminds of school,  something which smells good, a favourite thing to do at home, or random stuff such as a band-aid, a pair of glasses, a pair of matching socks, etc).

Adapt this Scavenger Hunt template to your class! Free download.

8. Kahoot – connect to ZOOM and show the game PIN in the shared screen.

9. Dance Party – take music requests and create memories.

10. Jokes/Charades – a great way to lighten the mood and make everybody smile on the last day!

11. Shared Screen Talent Show – give the instructions a few days earlier by asking students to create their activities. Then they take turns to “play” their activity while sharing their screen and their special skills.

12. Bubbling time – show some funny pictures and ask students to imagine what people are saying.

Now think about your class, look at the freebies you can easily download and enjoy these 12 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO SPARKLE YOUR LAST REMOTE TEACHING LESSON!

Download all the materials right HERE.

Have fun with your class and adapt the ideas!