Do you want new English words every day? Have you ever tried learning new words with WORDS OF THE WEEK or WORDS OF THE DAY? So what’s the secret about them?

WORDS OF THE WEEK help the learner build up a solid vocabulary foundation.
Have a look at some of these activities in HERE ou HERE.

It’s all about the belief of its enormous impact in making the learners’ vocabulary expand as well as improving communication skills, so so important in ESL!

As a learner your listening, reading, speaking or writing skills will in fact develop from day to night.

As a teacher you can actually make a huge impact on the learners’ vocabulary knowledge. 

The more words an ESL learner knows, the easier it will be for them to communicate in English. 

Learners should understand that learning a language is all about communication. As long as the message is clear, they will start gaining confidence. 

Teachers should be a helping hand. 

Introducing the students’ to challenging words through different activities such as WORD OF THE WEEK can help them boost their confidence.

Words have a huge power and both learners and teachers have to understand this and make use of it!

But how to use WORDS OF THE WEEK to learn new English words?

After learning a new word, it’s important to understand the meaning

This is why photographs are a great help! They put words into real-world context. The students listen to them in example sentences and understand the context.

This process should be followed by questions or activities that allow students to discuss or think.

Finally, similar words can be provided and brainstormed.

Learning new words should be all about getting learners eager to start using them while having fun in the process. I really believe it’s all about loving language and having fun, especially for beginners.

Learners and teachers make good use of this power!

Have a look at the WORD OF THE DAY template I have created for you all. It’s free download!

And HERE you will find the WORD OF THE WEEK template I have created. It’s free download!

"Words are the model, words are the tools, words are the boards, words are the nails." Richard Rhodes

That’s all for now!